Monday, January 25, 2010

James Weldon Johnson

“Young man, young man, your arm's too short to box with God.”
James Weldon Johnson quote

"I believe it to be a fact that the colored people of this country know and understand the white people better than the white people know and understand them."
James Weldon Johnson

Reading the poems from the Harlem Renaissance I have noticed how some poets like Langston Hughes are not shy about showing great anger about the struggles African Americans had in the United States. James Weldon Johnson was a little more subdue with his feelings about the situation. "The White Witch" is a good example. The way he tries to warn his brothers about the white witch by telling them she maybe pretty, but she really is a monster that sucks the life out of you. "The spirit of the vampire lies" and " in her smile there is a blight" is a polite way of saying she will suck the life out you and even a kiss from her will cause you sickness. The poem makes me wonder why he does not want his brothers with the white witch. Is it because of race or because he was hurt by one and seeks revenge? " And I have kissed her red lips,.....Around me she has twined her arms,"

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